“Jewelry Ice” is a completely unique phenomenon that can be observed at Otsu Beach in the city of Toyokoro, Hokkaido. During winter, the Tokachi River, which flows near this fishing town, freezes under the very cold temperatures of the region.
The ice flowing towards the Pacific Ocean is then carried by the waves onto Otsu Beach. The polished blocks accumulate and eventually melt with the sand, creating this mysterious icy landscape.
This “Jewelry Ice” is not a scientific term, but it was coined by Mr. Hisashi Urashima in 2015. This amateur photographer is a local resident who runs an English school. He chose this nickname in reference to the purity of the transparent reflections, which make the ice resemble jewelry crystals.
The color of its reflections changes throughout the day depending on the sunlight. Photographers’ favorite moment is at dawn, when the ice blocks, which were blue under the moonlight, gradually shift from vermilion to orange. During the day, it can be blue, sapphire, topaz, or opal, depending on the sky.
This phenomenon is only visible from mid-January to the end of February, when Hokkaido is at its coldest. One must be well-prepared before heading there, as temperatures can drop below 20 degrees Celsius during this time of year, especially if you go early in the morning.
Previously, this place was known only to photography enthusiasts, but it has been popularized on social media in recent years. It was even featured in an article in the New York Times in 2017. Since then, every winter many tourists and photographers visit each year to capture this sparkling spectacle before it melts.
The city of Toyokoro took the opportunity to develop its tourism activities and even built a rest and reception area for visitors in 2018, the Jewelry House. Unfortunately, in the winter of 2021, the icy phenomenon could not be observed as usual at Otsu Beach.
According to Yasuhiro Yoshikawa, a researcher who has been studying the phenomenon since 2017, the temperatures and wind direction likely moved the ice to another beach a few kilometers away, on the other side of the Tokachi River.
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