Vermilion Torii Gates at Motonosumi Inari Shrine in Nagato City, Japan

Discover spiritual serenity at the stunning Motonosumi Inari Shrine with 123 vermilion torii gates, overlooking the Japan Sea in Nagato City, Japan.

Vermilion Torii Gates at Motonosumi Inari Shrine, Nagato City, Japan: Spiritual serenity by the sea.

The image shows the stunning Motonosumi Inari Shrine in Nagato City, Japan, with 123 vermilion torii gates forming a tunnel leading to the shrine. Overlooking the Japan Sea, visitors come to pray for various wishes like good fortune in fishing and business success. The vibrant red gates against the backdrop of the ocean and greenery create a spiritual and serene atmosphere.

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Qui est Jordy Meow ?

Jordy Meow

Je suis Jordy Meow. Photographe le jour, développeur la nuit. Parfois le contraire.

Je vis au Japon et j’explore les lieux insolites, abandonnés, mais aussi les beaux paysages et petits villages.


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